- Aperture: f/5.6
- Focal Length: 17mm
- ISO: 800
- Shutter: 1/59 sec
- Camera: NIKON D1H
Tannehill, Alabama
I took this one about a month ago at Tannehill State Park, but somehow it never made its way to the site. It was one of those scenes that was pretty if you were standing there, but somehow I didn’t manage to capture that in the resulting images.
I haven’t shot much lately since I have been sick, but I am traveling to Half Acre, Ala. today to do a shoot for The Mobile Register, so hopefully I will come back with some new material.
Music: None (way too early)
Favorite Pics (in no particular order): ”Field of Marbles 2” by Andrew at photo.noise
”Hopes to Somehow Restore” by Greg at PixelVision
”Stop the Snow” by Christopher at Gotham Pixel.
Words: “Lines” by Kent at Darkness and Light.
tagged Alabama, autumn, barns, fall, landscape, Tannehill