- ISO: 640
- Shutter: 1/50 sec
- Camera: NIKON D1H
Northport, Alabama
That’s what I get for cheating during yesterday’s self-portrait session. I was too lazy to go get my tripod, so I just perched the camera on a shelf in the bathroom. Not a good idea. It worked well for an unprecedented amount of time, but not for long enough.
The lens has already been broken in this same spot by a previous drop and is beyond repair this time. The flash is easy enough to fix — $20 for a new foot. And the camera, mercifully, is built like a tank. It’s fine.
This puts me in the market for a new wide angle, which I have been needing anyway since this one has had a lot of issues since the aforementioned drop. I’m looking at either the Nikkor 18-70 or the Sigma 17-35/2.8. I like the wider range on the 18-70, but the faster Sigma is compelling. Ultimately I’d like to stay below $350 (used obviously). Any thoughts or suggestions?
Music: Sway by The Perishers (lyrics) and Trouble Sleeping by The Perishers (lyrics)
Favorite Pic: “Bridesmaids, Photographer, and Donkey” by Massimo and “Dog Act” by Susan at PitcherLady.
Words: “This Kid is Going to Kill it at Frat Parties” by Dooce.