Killing Time

  • Aperture: f/5.6
  • Focal Length: 18mm
  • Shutter: 1/30 sec
  • Camera: NIKON D1H

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Jeffrey McCoy (right) makes his move while playing checkers with Tony Darling (not pictured) as Willie Neal (left) and Jack Marks (center) watch Tuesday afternoon in the Silver Park community of west Tuscaloosa. The men said they and their friends play in the old Mayhan’s Garage “every day except for Sunday; rain, shine, sleet, or snow.” Darling joked that “central heat and air” makes year-round play possible in the old shed: a wooden stove keeps them warm in the winter, and box fans keep the temperatures down in the summer.

Music of the day: Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls

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