Autumn’s End

Flowers and trees

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Autumn, it seems, has finally arrived in Alabama and can be seen draping itself throughout the region in brilliant hues of orange and gold. The days are dank and gray, and the humidity clings to the skin like moss to a wet stone, but ’tis the season nevertheless even if it has been somewhat tardy.

Still, the temperatures could stand to drop a little more in the daytime. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving though, without a severe thunderstorm and a tornado warning or two, and it definitely wouldn’t be Christmas if you could actually wear those pretty Christmas sweaters without having to crank up the air conditioner.

Some might say that it is not autumn in Alabama without reds and oranges of another type — the Alabama-Auburn football rivalry — and that too has come and gone, with Alabama on the losing end of today’s game.

So closes the autumn season — can winter be far behind?

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